• About Me

    Hi, I'm Ayla,

    I’m an INN certified health coach, sugar-free and gluten-free recipe developer and healthy food blogger.

    I have passion about guiding you toward optimal health, eating clean, learning what foods best for you, reducing food cravings and increasing energy level in your daily life. I started my career by corporate work in multinational companies.

    After the birth of my children, I took a break from busy working life and preferred to be with them in the process of their growth which was the most precious period of my life. While the kids grew up, my desire to create something new has began to activate. 

    Cooking has been the greatest passion during my whole life. Soon I realized that, the most interesting subject that appeals me was balanced nutrition, healthy food and living which is a whole part of my life. I started to prepare delicacy by using natural and unrefined products that is both very delicious and appealing.

    Over time, I started to share healthy recipes that I prepare on my blog page. I wanted to introduce the tastes prepared with completely natural ingredients and unrefined materials are not tasteless and dull as it is considered. I would like to contact and inform everyone that follow my blog about the healthy and balanced nutrition.  During this period, I had chance to discover the constipation problem that I had experienced for a long time was caused by gluten sensitivity. That leads me to focus on grain free nutrition and implement gluten free diet in my life. Also it has helped me to evaluate the effects of refined and additive foods on our body and all our health, which is rapidly increasing consumption in today's fast and stressful life. I decided to receive a professional training about healthy living, balanced nutrition and dietary theories.

    I started integrative nutrition health coaching training from IIN, New York, one of the most specialized institution on the subject. I studied more than one hundred dietary theories, stress management techniques in practical life and regenerative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts. 

    My goal is helping anyone who wants to create an individual way for a healthy, happy and balanced life according to their preferences and lifestyle. I can personally guide you to achieve your goals and to implement them in a permanent way by easily solving the problems that arise in this way.